Future excursions and activities

The club has outings on the second Saturday of each month. These outings are led by someone having a particular interest in or knowledge of the area visited.

There are usually no excursions in January,  July and August. In July we have a “show and tell” indoors, and August is the month for our AGM.

February 8th – Aftermath of the fire at Waterhouse.
March 8th – Tamar Island, Birds.
April 12th – Patersonia Rivulet.
May 10th – Harridge Falls near Weldborough.


Suggestions for new places to visit in North-Eastern Tasmania are always welcome for consideration.

Contact Lou 0417 149 244

Cancellation of Field Nat. outings.

If there is unpredictable and severe weather, or for any other reason, it may occasionally be necessary to cancel with short notice. Here is the process for cancellation: an outing will be cancelled if the leader considers that the conditions are not safe. If an activity is cancelled, a global email will be sent by 0700 (i.e. 7.00 am) on the day of the outing.
If members are uncertain, it is their responsibility to contact Ross, Lou or the leader.
Note that phone reception is not always available, so you may have to try alternative numbers.