Could it be seven years since Field Nats went to Ansons Bay? A quick look at the photos shows it would seem so. Its great to be back there again “doing the rounds” with Jenny Bicanic, our hostess.
Jenny and her offsider Carolyn put a lot of effort into the weekend. In the days before hand, they check out the places where orchids are often found, sometimes marking them with little stick fences. This year they brought a couple of special guests – Corryne and Jak Denny who know their orchids too.
The pace is easy, the chatter persistent and the mood relaxed as we head along the side of the bay and onto the tracks above and beside the river.
Click on all photos for a great view
- Field Nats heading down to the bay (PR)
- Orchid spotters at Ansons Bay (PR)
Back to the shack for lunch and then off down the road to look at the rock orchids in all their glory.
Thanks Jenny, Carolyn, Corryn and Jak for leading and enlightening.
Orchids – Ansons Bay 2024
Chiloglottis triceratops (small bird), Cyrtostylis reniformis (gnat), Diuris orientis (wallflower), Dockrillia chrysantha (rock), Gastrodia sesamoides (potato), Glossodia major (waxlip), Pterostylus curta (blunt greenhood), Pterostylus pedunculata (maroonhood), Thelymitra ? (a sun orchid), Mycrotis unifolia (common onion)
- Chiloglotis triceratops (LR)
- Diuris orientis – Eastern Wallflower – Ansons Bay (RC)
- Dockrillia striolata ssp chrysantha – Streaked Rock Orchid – Ansons Bay (RC)
- Glossidia major – Wax-lip Orchid – Ansons Bay (RC)
Birds – Ansons Bay 2024: Field Nats
black faced cuckoo shrike, brown thornbill, cormorants: large black and little black, cuckoos: fantail, pallid, and shiney bronze, forest raven, golden whistler, grey butcherbird, grey fantail, grey shrike thrush, green rosella parrot, honeyeaters: crescent, eastern spinebill and new holland, kookaburra, pelican, pied oyster catcher, silver gull, striated pardalote, superb fairywren, swamp harrier, terns: caspian and crested, wattlebird: little, wattlebird and yellow, welcome swallow, white browed scrubwren, white faced heron.
And below, more photos of flora seen at Ansons Bay
- Ricinocarpus pinifolius – Wedding Bush – Ansons Bay (RC)
- Stackhousia monogyna (creamy candles) at Ansons Bay (LR)
- Hibbertia procumbens – Spreading Guinea Flower – Ansons Bay (RC)